10 Tips for New Homeowners
Here’s the thing: Buying a home is super exciting. It’s arguably the largest financial investment you’ll make, and it tells the world you’re officially adulting!
Once you’ve signed on the dotted line, follow these 10 tips for homeowning like a pro:
- Change the locks as soon as possible.
- Ask around to find a reliable handyman.
- Find a secure home for all those warranties and manuals so you’ll be able to find them whenever necessary.
- If possible, paint before you move in. It’s much easier in an empty house.
- Meet the neighbors. You never know when you’ll need a friendly favor.
- Plant shade trees. In a few years, you’ll be so glad you did.
- Replace the air filters, especially if the home was on the market for a while.
- Start an emergency fund for repairs and maintenance.
- Be slow to take on major renovations.
- If you do renovate, make improvements that will add value. (I can help!)
What’d I forget? Drop your advice for new homeowners in the comments!